Emmanuel Macron's quote about Planet

  Emmanuel Macron's quote about Planet

“...We are killing our planet. Let us face it. There is no planet B,”

— Emmanuel Macron

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Source and context of this Quote :

26 April 2018 : Climate Action 

Macron tells Trump and US Congress: "There is no Planet B" (VIDEO : CBS NEWS)

On 25 April 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech to the United States Congress calling for strong action on climate change. In front of Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Washington DC, he highlighted the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions.

There he said, “By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions, and destroying our biodiversity — we are killing our planet. Let us face it. There is no planet B.”

Climate change has long been a contentious issue in US politics. Because many politicians, especially Republicans, often defy past scientific consensus on the subject.

The French president expressed hope and confidence in the speech that the United States would "one day" rejoin the landmark Paris Climate Agreement. Note that the only country in the world is the United States of America (President Trump), which has withdrawn from this agreement.

"We must find a smooth economy with low carbon emissions," Mr Macron concluded the discussion. Because, what is our life worth, really, if we do such a thing and live to destroy the planet, it will be a misery for our children's future. What is the meaning of our lives, if our decisions, our conscious decisions, reduce the chances of survival of our children and grandchildren."

Since taking office in May 2017, President Macron has made climate change and the low-carbon economy a major concern. He organized the major One Planet Summit in December, which convened world leaders in Paris to discuss how to make progress on sustainable finance. His administration plans to ban all petrol and diesel cars by 2030; Double wind power capacity within five years, and outlaw offshore oil and gas exploration.



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